If the reader has never visited Peru or lived in the country for a while, this one is the kind of movie that would depict the Peruvian soul accurately.
In Peru, a country that is a prison due to the influence of the Communists, Socialists, and Leftits, nowadays the movie is being attacked due to the fact that it has become a box office hit! The Communists, who in past created all kind of weird laws that would legalize all kind of robbery, never left the country. They continue attacking the popular taste when it goes against their own agendas.
The Communist New World Order intends to imprison the whole planet under the code of conduct known as "political correctness", which is psychological warfare against the individuals disguised as "progressiveness."
LA PAISANA JACINTA: EN BÚSQUEDA DE WASABERTO cannot be accepted by the Leftist because its message reinforces the perceptions of the members of those social layers that they eagerly want to ingrained into their cause. The Communists don't want competitors in the ideological arena. So, they are sabotaging the movie. Too much mind independence for the population is bad for them.