lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011


Jueves 8 de septiembre

AF Miraflores, Sala Lumière(s), Av. Arequipa 4595.

7:30 p.m.

Ingreso libre

Tout est pardonné

de Ma Hansen-Love

Película que narra, de manera muy simple, una historia sobre relaciones familiares complejas, en varios momentos de la vida, entre personas de diferentes edades, países, lenguas maternas y género; las cuales no tienen la misma concepción de la vida. Entre Vienne y Paris, drogas, adicción, seducción, dependencia, deseo de muerte, y después, la búsqueda de una hija sin padre.

Francia, 2007, 105 min.

Inmediatamente después Debate: “10 tensions” a cargo de la Magister Carmen Masías, máster en terapia de familia, psicóloga, codirectora

de la ONG Cedro, y del Doctor Federico Infante, doctor en filosofía (Universidad Zu-Berlin), psicólogo de la PUCP.

Organizado por la ALIANZA FRANCESA con L´UNION DES FRANÇAIS DE L´ETRANGER, los Cine-Débats busca crear un espacio nuevo de encuentro y diálogo entre peruanos y franceses para reflexionar en conjunto sobre los alcances y la trascendencia de nuestras herencias culturales, psicológicas y sociales, nuestros saberes y costumbres.

El segundo jueves de cada mes, con la participación de un especialista invitado, exploraremos las relaciones entre los protagonistas de cada película. Analizaremos cómo el idioma modela, estructura, transforma la mente y la identidad del sujeto, las narraciones aparentes y los procesos inconscientes, a nivel individual y colectivo.


sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011



[Este texto ha sido bendecido oficialmente por el Secretario General Emperador del
Partido Marxista-Leninista-Paris Hilton luego de su censura]

Esta película es maravillosa porque:
This movie es wonderful because:

1) Es propaganda elemental que oculta el horror de la guerra y la conducta criminal de los soldados estadounidenses.

"The Kill Team Photos
More war crime images the Pentagon doesn't want you to see"
("Más fotos de crímenes de guerra que el Pentágono no desea que veas")

Special Report. By Mark Boal.

The Kill Team: How U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan Murdered Innocent Civilians

Plus: An exclusive look at the war crime images the Pentagon tried to censor


2) Ofrece un agradecimiento al Ministerio de Defensa del Reino Unido y a la Sociedad Británica de la Cruz Roja.


The Red Cross emblem is a protective symbol whose use is restricted by law.
We thank the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence and the British Red Cross Society for authorization to use the emblem in this film"

3) Intenta restar responsabilidades a los nazis por sus crímenes de guerra, probablemente porque los científicos nazis fueron llevados a Estados Unidos de Norteamérica al término de la matanza de las poblaciones europeas.

En el filme "CAPITÁN AMÉRICA: EL PRIMER VENGADOR (CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER)" apreciamos que supuestamente existe un segundo grupo de "nazis" que saluda con los brazos y que son liderados por "Cráneo Rojo" (la organización "Hidra").

Si los "malos" son los nazis, es innecesario mostrar un segundo grupo de "malos" tras los enemigos convencionales.

En cierta medida se absuelve a los nazis de su papel político. ¿Por qué?.

Es una información ampliamente difundida que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica introdujo gran cantidad de científicos nazis a su territorio para integrarlos al complejo congresal - militar-industrial - Hollywood - una hamburguesa con todas las salsas pero sin ají por favor. Los descendientes de esos nazis deben estar ocupando todo tipo de posiciones en el aparato de genocid...
¡perdón!... en el aparato de guerra estadounidense.


Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Record Group 330)
Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency

Observamos pues, otro caso más de la hipocresía típica estadounidense (anglosajona en general).
¡Qué diferencia respecto de nuestra noble honradez y generosidad latinoamericana que se extiende a través de todos los ámbitos sociales y que es componente intrínseco de nuestra cultura!.

¡Qué papel histórico tan deplorable para los estadounidenses!. Claro que en Iberoamérica estamos dispuestos a perdonarlo todo: simplemente tienen que poner su territorio y economía bajo nuestra tutela y ¡listo! :-).

4) Intenta imitar la inocencia de los filmes d
el gran cineasta peruano DON LEÓNIDAS ZEGARRA UCEDA.

Por este motivo le concedemos un puesto entre los

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011



[Este texto ha sido bendecido oficialmente por el Secretario General Emperador del
Partido Marxista-Leninista-Paris Hilton luego de su censura]

Esta película es maravillosa porque:
This movie es wonderful because:

1) Es propaganda elemental que muestra la conducta criminal de los miembros de la Fuerza Aérea Estadounidense (U.S. Air Force).

2) Muestra que la población estadounidense está condicionada para atribuir sus problemas internos a la Unió
n Soviética.

3) Promociona las empresas de propiedad de los trabajadores.

Al inicio del filme se observa un letrero frente a una fábrica. En el letrero se lee que tal lugar es propiedad de quienes trabajan en él.

Obviamente, este es un guiño que los trabajadores estadounidenses de la industria del cine (J.J. ABRAMS, STEVEN SPIELBERG, etcétera) hacen a DON LEÓNIDAS ZEGARRA UCEDA, quien realizó un documental (mundialmente) famoso relativo a las empresas de propiedad social en el Perú.

Como se ve, los cineastas de herencia israelí apoyan, en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, las ideas de ese famoso intelectual judío llamado KARL MARX (Carlitos Marx para sus amigos y para los lectores de ).

Esto es una tendencia saludable y generalizada. Para proporcionar otro ejemplo: el rostro de KARL MARX aparece en un televisor (cerca al actor DANNY GLOVER, socialista y amigo de HUGO CHÁVEZ FRÍAS) en ARMA MORTAL 4 (LETHAL WEAPON 4) dirigida y producida por cineasta y empresario de origen judío RICHARD DONNER (RICHARD DONALD SCHWARTZBERG) al cual denominamos con admiración EL MAESTRO DE LAS OPERACIONES PSICOLÓGICAS ["THE MASTER OF PSYOPS"] en, sin olvidarnos de su magnífico compinche judío JOEL SILVER, quien a su vez estuvo envuelto en esas excelentes franquicias/operaciones psicológicas/psyops llamadas "ARMA MORTAL" / "LETHAL WEAPON" (1, 2, 3, 4), "MATRIX" (la original, Reloaded y Revolutions), "DURO DE MATAR" / "LA JUNGLA DE CRISTAL" / "DIE HARD" (1, 2 y 3) [esta última serie protagonizada por ese actor nacido en una base militar (para ser exactos la base militar estadounidense localizada en Idar-Oberstein, Alemania) conocido como BRUCE WILLIS] (su madre es alemana).

Saluditos a toda la comunidad judía internacional. (Los peruanos no necesitamos visa de turismo para visitar Israel desde el 4 de Julio de 2009).

Debido a este guiño desde Hollywood, otorgamos a "SUPER 8" un lugar entre los MEJORES ESTRENOS 2011 (BEST MOVIES 2011 IN PERU) .

4) Condiciona a los espectadores a esperar la guerra urbana de máxima intensidad.

Esto tiene que ser así. El negocio de la guerra lo exige. La clase social que lucra con la guerra a expensas de las vidas y economías de los trabajadores estadounidenses lo requiere.

La demostracion es sencilla: desde el momento en que se otorga un contrato de TRES MIL SETECIENTOS MILLONES DE DÓLARES (3,700'000,000 USD) a GENERAL DYNAMICS C4 SYSTEMS INC., por una cantidad indefinida, mediante una licitación hecha por internet en la que hay solamente un participante... (en el Centro de Comando de Comunicación Electrónica del Ejército Estadounidense [
U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command] van a estar contentos con sus juguetes nuevos).
Entonces la guerra y el aumento de la deuda pública estadounidense tienen que continuar independientemente de los resultados que acarrean estos fenómenos a millones de personas, de familias, de padres, madres, hijos, hijas, nietos, etcétera. Y las caracteríisticas de este contrato militar se repiten. Hay que dar una miradita (como quien se entretiene) a las condiciones en que se otorgan estos pedidos militares. Así los admiradores de la "libertad" (de empresa) podrán extasiarse aún más con el modelo fascista estadounidense. Si asesinaron al Presidente John Fitzgerald Kennedy porque pretendió acabar con la "gallina de los huevos de oro" (también llamada "guerra de Vietnam"), entonces ¿que importan los hijitos del pueblo (estadounidense y foráneo)?: ¡tal vez a sus papis les gusta que hagan picadillo a sus vástagos!. Después de todo siempre se puede acusar a los comunistas... (¡ji-ji!). [Ahora ya sabemos para beneficio de qué clase social se crearon, poco antes (1998) de Septiembre 11 de 2011, nuevas instituciones de "defensa" de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, tales como la DEFENSE THREAT REDUCTION AGENCY].

General Dynamics Common Hardware/Software II Contract Reaches $1 Billion Mark

Contract Keeps Computing Technology Affordable for the U.S. Army and Other Services

TAUNTON, Mass. — Sept. 29, 2004


No. 747-11
August 29, 2011



General Dynamics C4 Systems Inc., was awarded a $3,700,000,000 firm-fixed-price, cost-plus-fixed-fee, level-of-effort, indefinite-delivery / indefinite-quantity contract. The award will provide for the procurement of the Command Hardware Systems-4. Work will be performed in Taunton, Mass., with an estimated completion date of Aug. 26, 2016. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command, Contracting Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., is the contracting activity (W15P7T-11-D-G402).

Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, Stratford, Conn., was awarded a $265,646,071 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the procurement of 22 UH-60M aircraft and 1 HH-60M aircraft. Work will be performed in Stratford, Conn., with an estimated completion date of March 31, 2013. One bid was solicited, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-08-C-0003).

AM General LLC, South Bend, Ind., was awarded a $130,943,210 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the modification of an existing contract to procure 904 High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles. Work will be performed in Mishiwaka, Ind., with an estimated completion date of March 31, 2012. One bid was solicited, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity (W56HZV-10-C-0405).

American Ordnance LLC, Middletown, Iowa, was awarded a $113,193,507 firm-fixed-price indefinite-delivery / indefinite-quantity contract. The award will provide for the procurement of 60mm/81mm high explosive load assemble pack cartridges and 60mm/81mm high explosive full cutaway and complete inert models. Work will be performed in Middletown, Iowa, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 31, 2016. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with four bids received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Rock Island, Ill., is the contracting activity (W52P1J-11-D-0086).

Day & Zimmerman Inc., Lone Star Division, Camden, Ark., was awarded a $108,721,038 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery / indefinite-quantity multiple-award contract. The award will provide for the procurement of 60mm/81mm high explosive load assemble pack cartridges and 60mm/81mm high explosive full cutaway and complete inert models. Work will be performed in Camden, Ark., with an estimated completion date of Aug. 31, 2016. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with four bids received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Rock Island, Ill., is the contracting activity (W52P1J-11-D-0085).

Day & Zimmerman Inc., Kansas Division, Parsons, Kan., was awarded a $91,170,748 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery / indefinite-quantity multiple-award contract. The award will provide for the procurement of 60mm/81mm high explosive load assemble pack cartridges and 60mm/81mm high explosive full cutaway and complete inert models. Work will be performed in Parsons, Kan., with an estimated completion date of Aug. 31, 2016. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with four bids received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Rock Island, Ill., is the contracting activity (W52P1J-11-D-0083).

ECC International Constructors LLC / METAG Joint Venture, Burlingame, Calif., was awarded a $62,237,989 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the construction of facilities for the Afghan National Army at Camp Hero in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, to include site development and improvements, force protection structures and building such as barracks, admin space, dining facilities and storage buildings. Work will be performed in Afghanistan, with an estimated completion date of April 7, 2013. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with 13 bids received. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kandahar, Afghanistan, is the contracting activity (W5J9LE-11-C-0046).

EADS North American Defense, Arlington, Va., was awarded a $43,811,456 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the modification of an existing contract to procure 32 security & support mission equipment package production cut-in. Work will be performed in Columbus, Miss., with an estimated completion date of Aug. 31, 2013. One bid was solicited, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-06-C-0194).

Woodlawn Manufacturing LTD, Marshall, Texas, (W15QKN-11-D-0186); Bailey Tool & Manufacturing Company, Lancaster, Texas, (W15QKN-11-D-0213); were awarded a $29,387,575 firm-fixed-price multiple-award-task-order contract between two contractors. The award will provide for the facilities, personnel and equipment for the manufacture of the M485 canister metal parts. Work location will be determined with each task order, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 22, 2021. Seven bids were solicited, with seven bids received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Picatinny Arsenal, N.J., is the contracting activity.

Freitas Construction, Allyn, Wash., (W912K3-11-D-0002); Pacific Tech Construction, Kelso, Wash., (W912K3-11-D-0003); Angayuk Construction, Fife, Wash., (W912K3-11-D-0004); Sealaska Constructors LLC, Bellevue, Wash., (W912K3-11-D-0005); Imperial Construction, Wapato, Wash., (W912K3-11-D-0006); and Kodiak-Kenai Cable Company, Hayden, Idaho, (W912K3-11-D-0007); were each awarded a $20,000,000 firm-fixed-price indefinite-delivery / indefinite-quantity contract. The award will provide for the construction projects of various size and value for the National Guard in the State of Washington. Work location will be determined with each task order, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 24, 2016. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with eight bids received. The National Guard Bureau, Tacoma, Wash., is the contracting activity.

Federal Prison Industries, Washington, D.C., was awarded a $20,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the modification of an existing contract to increase the ceiling for outer tactical vests for Foreign Military Sales in support of various countries. Work will be performed in Yazoo City, Miss., with an estimated completion date of Aug. 25, 2013. One bid was solicited, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., is the contracting activity (W91CRB-08-D-0045).

Contracting, Consulting, Engineering LLC, Annapolis, Md., was awarded a $15,146,580 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the construction of barracks at Air Force Base Soto Cano, Honduras. Work will be performed in Soto Cano, Honduras, with an estimated completion date of Oct. 26, 2012. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with four bids received. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile, Ala., is the contracting activity (W91278-11-C-0028).

Reliable Contracting Group, Louisville, Ky., was awarded a $14,676,926 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the construction services to upgrade and build new facilities. Work will be performed in Springfield, Ill., with an estimated completion date of Dec. 20, 2012. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with three bids received. The National Guard Bureau, Springfield, Ill., is the contracting activity (W91SMC-11-C-0010).

The Ewing Co., Boise, Idaho, was awarded an $11,571,000 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the construction of an Operational Readiness Training Complex at Orchard Training Area, Boise, Idaho. Work will be performed in Orchard Training Area, Boise, Idaho, with an estimated completion date of Feb. 23, 2013. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with 14 bids received. The National Guard Bureau, Boise, Idaho, is the contracting activity (W912J7-11-C-0002).


Applied Research Associates, Inc., of Albuquerque, NM, is being awarded a $220,000,000 ($102,000,000 base and $118,000,000 option) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity contract for Test Operations, Technology and Test Support (TOTTS) for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) in support of the Research and Development Enterprise, Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction Technology Directorate. The contractor will provide end-to-end test event planning, management, safe execution, and results analysis supporting DoD, federal agencies and friendly nations’ programs to counter proliferation and defeat weapons of mass destruction. Bids were solicited on a full and open competitive basis and two were received. The contracting activity is Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Albuquerque, NM, (HDTRA2-11-D-0001). Work will be performed primarily in Albuquerque, NM and at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The base period of performance is 29 Aug. 2011 through 28 Aug. 2016 and the option period of performance is 29 Aug. 2016 through 28 Aug. 2021.


Resolution Consultants, an AECOM-EnSafe Joint Venture, Virginia Beach, Va., is being awarded a maximum amount $200,000,000 cost-plus-award-fee, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity architect-engineering contract for comprehensive long-term environmental action services on Navy and Marine Corps installations at various Department of Department sites in the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic area of responsibility. The work to be performed provides for architectural and engineering services to provide program management and technical environmental services in support of the Department of the Navy’s Environmental Restoration Program, Munitions Response Program, and other similar programs. Task order 0001 is being awarded at $342,578 for architect engineering services at the Program Management Office in Virginia Beach, Va. Work for this task order is expected to be completed by March 2012. Work will be performed primarily in the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, and Northwest Regions predominately in Maine (13 percent), Fla. (10 percent), Mass. (10 percent), Ind. (9 percent), N.J. (8 percent), R.I. (6 percent), Texas (6 percent), Md. (5 percent), N.Y. (5 percent), Pa. (5 percent), Va. (5 percent), S.C. (4 percent), Ill. (3 percent), Miss. (3 percent), Washington, D.C. (2 percent), Conn. (1 percent), Ga. (1 percent), La. (1 percent), Minn. (1 percent), Wash. (1 percent), Ohio (.5 percent), and Tenn. (.5 percent), and is expected to be completed by August 2016. Contract funds in the amount of $342,578 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with seven proposals received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-11-D-8013).

Balfour Beatty, Fairfax, Va., is being awarded a $49,053,161 firm-fixed-price contract for design and construction of a Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ) and road connector at the Stone Bayarea of the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. The work to be performed provides for design and construction of a 125 room multi-story BEQ, and a 100 room multi-story BEQ, plus gatehouse, canopy, and weather shelter. This project will include the demolition of buildings RR9 and RR4 and also constructing the widening egress to Route 210, construction of a gateway and guard house, a road connecting Route 210 and inside of Stone Bay. The road construction will require the construction of a bridge to allow for heavy equipment, and a number of culverts. The contract also contains one unexercised option, which if exercised would increase cumulative contract value to $50,493,702. Work will be performed in Jacksonville, N.C., and is expected to be completed by September 2013. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with 26 proposals received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Mid-Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N40085-11-C-4008).

FLIR Systems, Inc., Wilsonville, Ore., is being awarded a $25,506,679 firm-fixed-price contract for 34 Star SAFIRE 380 High Definition systems to outfit and enhance the capabilities of the existing Persistent Ground Surveillance System that are currently fielded for the Army. Work will be performed in Afghanistan (60 percent), and Wilsonville, Ore. (40 percent); and is expected to be completed in August 2012. Contract funds in the amount of $229,277 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured pursuant to FAR 6.302-2. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Lakehurst, N.J. is the contracting activity (N68335-11-C-0212).

Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., San Diego, Calif., is being awarded a $10,474,708 cost plus fixed fee contract for logistics in support of the Vertical Takeoff and Landing Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (VTUAV) MQ-8B Fire Scout system. Logistic support services includes: logistics management, maintenance support, supply support, air vehicle transportation, training services, logistics management information, technical data updates, flight operations and deployment support. Work will be performed in St. Inigoes, Md. (40 percent), San Diego, Calif. (20 percent), and various locations outside the continental United States; and is expected to be completed in August 2012. Contract funds in the amount of $6,400,000 will expire at the end of the fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured pursuant to FAR6.302-1. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity (N00019-11-C-0075).


Graybar Electric Company, Inc., St. Louis, Mo., was issued a modification exercising the sixth option year on the current contract SPM500-04-D-BP25/P00024. Award is an indefinite delivery and indefinite quantity, prime vendor contract with an estimated maximum $40,000,000 for this option period. The contract is for maintenance, repair, and operations for the Northeast Region, Zone 2. There are no other locations of performance. Using services are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Federal Civilian Agencies. The date of performance completion is August 29, 2012. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pa.


Accenture Federal Services LLC of Reston, Va. is being awarded a $12,122,447 firm fixed price, cost reimbursable, labor hour contract modification to continue the post production support of the current contract to allow the system integrator to achieve system stabilization. The contracting activity is ESC/HIQK, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. (FA8770-06-F-8001, P00097).

United Paradyne Corporation of Santa Maria, Calif. is being awarded a $7,817,467 fixed price incentive fee, firm fixed price, cost reimbursement, no fee contract modification for the consolidation of three vital logistical aerospace support services into one comprehensive operation and maintenance contract for the 30th Space Wing. The contract also provides an integrated management entity, the Aerospace Maintenance Operations Center. The contracting activity is 30 CONS/LGCZ, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. (FA4610-10-0008, P00028).

Al ver los numerillos y los procedimientos sonreímos ante todo tipo de "explicaciones" frente a la demolición de las Torres Gemelas (y algún otro edificio que sin ser golpeado se cayó :-) ).

La "guerra" va a continuar "sí o sí" (desde la perspectiva de los contratistas) porque los contratos jugosillos recién están por llegar... o digamos que se hacen más jugosos cada vez...:

Top 20 defense contracts highlight trends in weapons, IT services
Washington Technology rounds up the largest defense contracts of the next 18 months
By Defense Systems Staff
Mar 10, 2011

5) Presenta una intensa narratividad pro-satanista.

Esto se reconoce inmediatamente: un ser subterráneo monstruoso (que come gente) en la escena final logra alejarse por el cielo en una estrella de cinco puntas que gira (por lo que en algún momento, si la consideramos símbolo del hombre, queda cabeza abajo como en el símbolo satanista).

Como se va por el cielo, es un ángel caido. Y tiene un reino subterráneo en donde mantiene prisionera a la gente (colgada de cabeza).

Evidentemente, el personaje cumple con bastantes caracter ísticas de Satanás.

Para completar el cuadro, un niño lo trata respetuosamente y le dice que "suceden cosas malas". O sea que el monstruo está torturado interiormente. Mmm... ¿alguien ha visto al Diablo en este filme?. Ya sabíamos que Hollywood intenta inducir a los niños al satanismo, la religión que se necesita para que el complejo congresal - militar - industrial - en-la-esquina-bajo-por favor siga acumulando más platita, mientras millones de personas , de familias, son sacrificadas a Mammon:

6) Muestra que un sector de los estadounidenses se dedican al escapismo social mediante las drogas.

7) El asesor militar de SUPER 8 es JAMES DEVER.

JAMES DEVER es el propietario de

1 FORCE INC. Military Technical Advisors for the Motion Picture Industry (Fuerza 1 [Incorporada]. Asesores Técnicos Militares para la Industria de Cine).

Su empresa ha proporcionado servicios recientemente a los filmes "THE LUCKY ONE", "X-MEN FIRST CLASS 2ND UNIT" y se encuentra trabajando en la serie televisiva "THE EVENT" y el programa piloto "PERSON OF INTEREST".

"As Senior Enlisted Marine for a 1200 man, Marine Expeditionary force, forward deployed to the Persian Gulf
with Battalion landing team 1st Battalion, 1st Marines
Sergeant Major (Senior Advisor to Commanding Officer) of 1st Force Reconnaissance Company
Participated in Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Desert Saber, (Persian Gulf War)
Participated Eagle Pull (Evacuation of Phnom Penh, Cambodia), and Frequent Wind,
(Evacuation of Saigon, Republic of Vietnam)
Served with 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion and
1st Force reconnaissance Company
Trained with Navy Seals, Army Special Forces and New Zealand Special Air Service (SAS)
Trained military/peace-keeping forces for Beirut and South America
Trained numerous police SWAT teams
Staff Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of High Risk Personnel course, and of Close- Quarter-Battle
course, Quantico, VA, trained civilians and police officers in the proper operation of handguns.
Trained numerous military personnel in Counter Terrorism and Special Tactics.
Trained with FBI, HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) Quantico, VA on CQB (Close Quarter- Battle)
Military Diver – SCUBA and Rebreather (LAR-V)/Dive Supervisor
Survival Evasion resistance & Escape Instructor (SERE)
Close Quarters Battle Tactics and SWAT Instructor
Military Freefall Parachutist High Altitude Low Opening (HALO), High Altitude High Opening (HAHO)
Static Line Parachutist/ Jump Master"

8) Promueve la idea (muy lucrativa) de que existen "seres del espacio".



El cosmos y los problemas de su asimilación .... 3
Medios cósmicos de espionaje utilizados por el Pentágono .... 18
Medios de comunicación cósmicos del Pentágono .... 56
Los satélites artificiales de la Tierra en la navegación militar de los EE.UU. .... 92
Los satélites geodésicos y su aplicación militar en los EE.UU. .... 112
Los satélites meteorológicos y su aplicación militar en los EE.UU. .... 127
El vehículo espacial de transporte de uso reiterado y su utilización con fines militares .... 144
Los satélites artificiales de la Tierra en los sistemas de control de tráfico aéreo .... 162
Nuevos armamentos espaciales desarrollados por los EE.UU. .... 172
Complejos de control y medición cósmicos de los EE.UU. .... 189
El cosmos pacífico en el futuro de la humanidad .... 214"