el Secretario General Emperador del
Advertencia: Este partido político es una secta muy sectaria.
Descargo: La burguesía es una clase social sectaria que debe desarrollar su sentido del humor.]
1) Muestra claramente que los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica utilizan los filmes para condicionar a sus ciudadanos en el asesinato mecanizado a distancia para afianzar el poder político del complejo militar-industrial.
Un filme como GIGANTES DE ACERO / ACERO PURO (REAL STEEL) nada exige al alma de los espectadores, en particular, cuando recrea creencias gnósticas - satanistas.
U.S. Department of Defense Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) Contract |
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CONTRACTS AIR FORCE Lockheed Martin Corp., Fort Worth, Texas (F33657-02-D-0009), is being awarded a not-to-exceed $7,400,000,000 indefinite-delivery/ Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., San Diego, Calif. (F33657-01-C-4600 P00446), is being awarded a $45,835,942 cost-plus-incentive-fee contract modification.This contract is for software maintenance tasks necessary for the contractor to maintain support software for air vehicles, ground support segments.Flight test covers the tasks necessary for the Global Hawk System Integrator (prime contractor) to participate in planning, provisioning, conducting, analyzing, and documentation for an integrated Global Hawk Combined Development/Operational Flight Test System.These tasks provide the software maintenance and flight test to keep the development program operating.One firm was solicited and one firm submitted a proposal.The ASC/WIGK, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (F33657-01-C-4600 P00446). Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems, San Diego, Calif. (F33657-01-C-4600 P00453), is being awarded a $29,515,929 firm-fixed-price contract modification. This is for the infrastructure portion of the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Block Load effort that provides for the necessary tasks that allow the contractor to manage the day-to-day EMD contract operations of the Global Hawk Weapon System; including air vehicle, ground segment, and support segment. These tasks provide the infrastructure necessary to keep the development program operational. They are not directly tied to any one specific developmental capability.One firm was solicited and one firm submitted a proposal. The ASC/WIGK, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (F33657-01-C-4600 P00453). Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corp, San Diego, Calif. (FA8726-09-C-0010 P0038), has been awarded a $29,515,929 modified firm-fixed-price contract.The modification is for a Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Plan (CAMP) Level 8C inspection of Air Force aircraft E-11A, serial number 11-9001, followed by a five-month extension of the operation and support of the aircraft.It also provides an option to repaint the aircraft to Air Force specifications and for correction of faults found during the CAMP inspection.One firm was solicited and one firm submitted a proposal.One firm was solicited and one firm submitted a proposal. The Air Force Materiel Command, Electronic Systems Center, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., is the contracting activity (FA8726-09-C-0010 P0038). Lockheed Martin Corp., Marietta, Ga. (FA8625-07-C-6471), is being awarded a $13,380,740 firm-fixed-fee contract modification to provide C-5 Reliability Enhancement and Re-engining Program, full rate production, Lot 5 items required to meet the field needs for the use of 11, Lot 5, C-5M aircraft. One firm was solicited and one firm submitted a proposal. The ASC/WLSK, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8625-07-C-6471). Sonoran Technology and Professional Services, L.L.C., Goodyear, Ariz. (FA4890-08-C-0006), is being awarded a $6,655,097 firm-fixed, with cost reimbursable contract.This contract is for furnishing all personal, equipment, tools, materials, supervision, and all other items and services, except as indentified in the PWS, required to perform B-1 and B-52 aircrew training (CAT) and course development (CWD) to include instrument refresher course instruction and distributed mission operations training to multiple geographical separated CONUS locations. One firm was solicited and one firm submitted a proposal.One firm was solicited and one firm submitted a proposal. The Air Combat Command Acquisition Management and Integration Center/PK, Newport News, Va., is the contracting activity (FA4890-08-C-0006). DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Crowley Petroleum Distribution, Anchorage, Alaska, was awarded a fixed-price with economic price adjustment contract with a maximum $172,607,710 for fuel.Other locations of performance are Department of Defense and federal civilian agencies located in Alaska.Using services are Army, Air Force and federal civilian agencies.There were 13 responses to the solicitations.Type of appropriation is fiscal 2012 through fiscal 2014 Defense Working Capital Funds.The date of performance completion is Sept. 30, 2015.The Defense Logistics Agency Energy, Fort Belvoir, Va., is the contracting activity (SP0600-12-D-4002). All American Hose, L.L.C.*, Union City, Pa., was awarded a fixed-price with economic price adjustment contract with a maximum $19,613,843 for non-metallic hose assemblies.Other location of performance is Erie, Pa.Using service is Navy.There were five responses to the Web solicitation.Type of appropriation is fiscal 2012 Defense Working Capital Funds.The date of performance completion is Nov. 17, 2013.The Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pa., is the contracting activity (SPM8EJ-11-D-0503). NAVY Raytheon Technical Services Co., L.L.C., Indianapolis, Ind., is being awarded a $55,937,601 modification to a delivery order placed previously against Basic Ordering Agreement (N00019-10-G-0006) to exercise an option for the procurement of 237 LAU-116B/A and 213 LAU-115D/A launchers in support of F/A-18 E/F and EA-18G aircraft.Work will be performed in Indianapolis, Ind., and is expected to be completed in August 2015.Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year.The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity. The Boeing Co., St. Louis, Mo., is being awarded an $11,173,051 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price delivery order contract (N00383-06-D-001J) for the automated maintenance environment, data-at-rest, and similar automated maintenance environment in support of the F/A-18 A-D, F/A-18 E/F, and EA-18 G aircraft.Work will be performed in St. Louis, Mo., and is expected to be completed in December 2012.Contract funds in the amount of $263,864 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity. Force Protection Industries, Inc., Ladson, S.C., is being awarded a $6,653,664 firm-fixed-priced modification under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031) for the procurement of 18 field service representatives in support of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle Program.Work will be performed in Afghanistan, and is expected to be completed Nov. 30, 2012.The fiscal 2012 Operations and Maintenance Marine Corps funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, Va., is the contracting activity. CORRECTION:Contracts awarded on Nov. 7, 2011, to Booze Allen Hamilton, McLean, Va., and Systems Planning and Analysis, Alexandria, Va., as part of a multiple awarded contract should have listed the contract numbers as N00189-12-D-Z005 for Booze Allen Hamilton, and N00189-12-D-Z006 for Systems Planning and Analysis. |
16/11/11 - 22:00 INTERNACIONALES
Aviones teledirigidos de EE. UU.
matan a 15 personas en Pakistán
Entre 15 y 18 insurgentes islamistas murieron este miércoles alcanzados por misiles de cinco aviones estadounidenses sin piloto en una zona tribal del noroeste de Pakistán, el principal santuario de Al Qaeda en el mundo, anunciaron fuentes militares.
Report Shows Drones Strikes Based on Scant Evidence
By Gareth Porter*
What are the risks of the C.I.A.’s covert drone program?
by Jane Mayer
Multiple missteps led to drone killing U.S. troops in Afghanistan
Though no dereliction of duty was found, a Pentagon investigation raised troubling questions: Among them: Was the Predator missile fired too quickly?
"Few things are as predictable as the excited bleats of Pentagon flacks touting the killing efficacy of new weapons systems every time the U.S. begins a military operation."1
Esto es sencillo de entender cuando se analiza el argumento del filme.
- El "robot" que derrota a todos se llama "ZEUS", "Dios de este universo y todos los conocidos".
- El "robot" que reta a "ZEUS" se llama "ADAM".
- "ADAM" pierde la pelea por puntos y deviene "EL GANADOR DE LA GENTE". El propietario de "ADAM" esta de acuerdo con este calificativo.
MENSAJE: Dios es retado por Adán y aunque Dios siempre le impone su Ley, Adán lucha constantemente por superar la Ley Divina. Esto, supuestamente lo vuelve "popular" entre la humanidad. Obviamente, un mensaje satánico necesario al Complejo Militar - Indutrial - Congresal - "Industria Del Entretenimiento" estadounidense para continuar engañando a los pobladores de ese país.

"SENTENCIADO PODRÍA SALIR EN DIEZ AÑOS. SOLDADO ESTADOUNIDENSE RECIBE CADENA PERPETUA. "Fue hallado culpable de asesinar a tres civiles afganos que andaban desarmados.
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Actress Mila Kunis attends Marine Corps Ball
11/21/2011 02:05 PM CST
Mila Kunis of "That 70's Show" and "Black Swan" attends a Marine Corps birthday ball in North Carolina with Sgt Scott Moore.
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